EPO fee changes from 1 April 2020


The European Patent Office (EPO) has issued its Decision to increase the official fees as of 1 April 2020.

The majority of all official fees will be increased.

Payments of official fees that will become due after 1 April 2020 can be made early, i.e. by the end of March, in order to still profit from the old fee schedule.

A link to the official Decision of the EPO to increase the fees can be found here.

Below please see a list of the most important fees showing the costs before and after the cut-off date of 1 April 2020.


Fee Description Before 1 April  2020
After 1 April 2020
Filing fee 120 125
Additional fee for a European patent application comprising more than 35 pages
(per page)
15 16
Search fee for a European or supplementary European search
(on an application filed on or after 1 July 2005)
1300 1350
Designation fee (flat fee) 585 610
Renewal fees:
3rd year renewal fee 470 490
4th year renewal fee 585 610
5th year renewal fee 820 855
6th year renewal fee 1050 1090
7th year renewal fee 1165 1210
8th year renewal fee 1280 1330
9th year renewal fee 1395 1450
10th – 20th year renewal fee 1575 1640
Examination fee
(for an application filed after July 1st, 2005)
1635 1700
Examination fee for an international application filed on or after July 1st 2005
for which no European Search Report is drawn up
1825 1900
Fee for grant and printing 925 960
Opposition fee 785 815
Appeal fee, filed by a natural person or small entity 1880 1955
Appeal fee, filed by any other entity 2255 2705
Further processing fee 255 265
Fee for re-establishment of rights 640 665
Claims fee, for the 16th and each subsequent claim up to the limit of 50 235 245
Claims fee, for the 51st and each subsequent claim 585 610


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